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  • Position: 旅游经理
  • Email:

最后更新: 2023年2月28日

A. 定义.

A-1. 授权第三方. 任何非大学职员或学生的人士, 谁被授权为学校的公务旅行, 程序或其他用途, including, 但不限于, 志愿者, scholars, 承包商, alumni, 社区成员, guests, 或者是政府官员.

A-2. 大学国际旅游(FSIT). 大学国际旅游 led by a UI employee involving UI undergraduate or graduate students, employees, 授权第三方, alumni, 或者公众. FSIT可能包括但不限于学习旅行, research, 现场工作, service, 实习, 或者志愿者工作.

A-3. 国际旅行. 在美国50个州以外的地方旅行.S. 因为去美国旅行.S. 领土也需要在风险方面进行类似审查, liability, 出发前协助, for the purposes of this policy it is included in the definition of international travel.

A-4. 非大学国际旅游. International travel that is 1) not related to University business, programs, 或者其他目的, 或2)未按照B-1中概述的程序批准. 例子包括个人旅行, 比如春假或假期旅行, 未经学校批准的旅行.

A-5. 大学国际旅游. 国际旅行:1)与学校业务有关, programs, 或者其他目的 and 2) meets the conditions of and has been approved consistent with the requirements set forth in this procedure. International travel relating to an approved international flexwork agreement must comply with FSH 3250.

A-6. 旅游咨询. 由联合国发布.S. 国务院, Travel Advisories are issued on a 4-point scale of increasing concern and describe the risks of travel to each country in the world. Advisory Levels are as follows: Level 1: Exercise normal precautions; Level 2: Exercise increased caution; Level 3: Reconsider travel; Level 4: Do not travel. Further information on the 旅游咨询 system and current Travel Advisories can be found at:

A-7. 大学国际应急管理小组(" UIEMT "). An ad hoc committee consisting of University administrators who support and assist employees and students who are participating in University travel or are otherwise on University business abroad to address emergencies, 比如暴力事件的爆发, 政治动荡, 或者医疗紧急情况. The UIEMT also considers requests for exceptions to this policy prior to international travel. The UIEMT is composed of the Director of the International Programs Office, 留学主任, 学生事务副教务长或代表, 风险管理办公室(风险)代表, 法律顾问(如有需要), 以及其他需要的教职员工和管理人员.

B. Procedure.

B-1. 员工和授权第三方国际旅行. The University of Idaho will authorize international travel by employees or authorized third party as contemplated in A-1 above on behalf of or under the auspices of the University only when the following have occurred at least 30 days prior to travel, unless permission for a shorter timeframe is explicitly granted by IPO:

a. Advance approval through the use of a travel authorization (see APM 70.05); and

b. Registration of travel with the International Programs Office (“IPO”) through its online international travel registration system available at:, which shall include review for any applicable export control and trade sanction restrictions or prohibitions by the Office of Research and Economic Development (“ORED”). Approved international flexwork agreements (See FSH3250) are considered to be university international travel and follow the same required approval processes as for all other university international travel.

B-2. 教师/员工主导的国际旅行. Employees leading students abroad must be approved for such travel through IPO’s online international travel system by the specified deadlines:

B-3. 学生国际旅行. The International Programs Office will authorize international travel by students on behalf of or under the auspices of the University only when the following has occurred by the deadlines required in the specific circumstances, 但至少在旅行前30天, unless permission for a shorter timeframe is explicitly granted by IPO:

a. Advance approval through the use of a travel authorization, if applicable (see APM 70.05).;

b. Registration of travel with the International Programs Office (“IPO”) through its online international travel registration system available at:, which shall include review for any applicable export control and trade sanction restrictions or prohibitions by the Office of Research and Economic Development (“ORED”).

B-4. 前往3级或4级警戒的国家或地区. Travel to a country or region with a Level 3 or 4 Advisory is generally prohibited. Requests for exemptions from this prohibition may be made to the UIEMT by contacting

B-5. 非大学国际旅游. International travel without prior approval shall be considered 非大学国际旅游, 并不会由大学支付或报销, including charging of costs to research grants or contracts; exceptions may be made in extraordinary circumstances, but never for travel to OFAC-sanctioned countries undertaken without prior approval. Flexwork travel out of country without completing the full approval process will result in 非大学国际旅游 and require the use of annual leave or leave without pay for the duration of the 非大学国际旅游. 除了, any traveler on 非大学国际旅游 will not be eligible for the University’s insurance coverage, 除了作为员工福利提供的, 旅行时, and damages and the defense of any legal matters arising from the travel will be solely the traveler’s responsibility. No traveler on 非大学国际旅游 shall represent that they are acting on behalf of or with the authorization of the University of Idaho. No traveler shall take University equipment or resources without written approval from the President or Designee when it meets business needs of the university on 非大学国际旅游. 不遵守此政策可能会受到制裁.

Further details and assistance related to this policy are available from the International Programs Office: 


2023年2月修订. 更新程序以处理国际灵活工作要求.

2020年1月修订. 全面审查. Procedures updated to align with changes to State Department system for international travel advisory levels.



Bruce M. 皮特曼中心


