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黛博拉·L. Stenkamp





部门. 生物科学

研究:生物医学科学,细胞 & 分子生物学

  • Ph.D. Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, 1993
  • B.A. 生物学,惠特曼学院,1987年

Stenkamp’s research interests center on the examination of cellular and molecular mechanisms of vertebrate retinal development and regeneration, with a specific focus on photoreceptor differentiation, using zebrafish as the primary experimental model.

I earned my BA in Biology at Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA, then completed my PhD in Neuroscience at the Wilmer Eye Institute of Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions in Baltimore, MD. I conducted postdoctoral work at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, then began as Assistant 教授 at the bet365亚洲官网 in 1997.

  • 史蒂文斯CB,卡梅伦DA,斯坦坎普DL. 2011. Photoreceptor progenitors assume transient states of retinoic acid-sensitive plasticity during retinal neurogenesis. 中国生物医学工程学报,11(1):51 - 51.
  • Sherpa T, Hunter SS, Frey, RA, Robison BD, Stenkamp DL. 2011. Retinal proliferation response in the buphthalmic zebrafish, bugeye. 实验眼研究. 在新闻.
  • Stenkamp DL. The rod photoreceptor lineage of teleost fish. 2011. 视网膜与眼研究进展. 在新闻.
  • 陈建军,陈建军,陈建军. 2011. Ethanol-Induced microphthalmia is not mediated by changes in retinoic acid or sonic hedgehog signaling during retinal neurogenesis. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental 研究 35(9):1644-61.
  • Nelson SM, Mahmoud T, Beaux, M II, Shapiro P, McIlroy DN, Stenkamp DL. 2010. Toxic and teratogenic silica nanowires in developing vertebrate embryos. 纳米6 (1):93 - 102.
  • 尼尔森SM,帕克L,斯坦坎普DL. 2009. Retinal homeobox 1 is required for retinal neurogenesis and for photoreceptor differentiation in the zebrafish. 中国生物工程学报,32 (1):444 - 444.
  • Nelson SM, Frey RA, Wardwell SN, Stenkamp DL. 2008. The developmental sequence of gene expression within the rod photoreceptor lineage of the embryonic zebrafish. Developmental Dynamics 237(10):2903-17.
  • Stenkamp DL, Satterfield R, Muhunthan K, Sherpa T, Cameron DA, Vihtelic TA. 2008. Age-related cone abnormalities in zebrafish with genetic lesions in sonic hedgehog. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 49(10):4631-40.
  • Sherpa T, Fimbel SM, Mallory DE, Maaswinkel H, Spritzer SD, Sand JA, Li L, Hyde DE, Stenkamp DL. 2008. Ganglion cell regeneration following whole-retina destruction in zebrafish. 发育神经生物学. 68(2):166-81.

  • Photoreceptor Determination and Differentiation.
    Vertebrate vision is mediated by the function of rod and cone photoreceptors, and each species generates and maintains characteristic (adaptive) ratios of rods to cones, 以及特定的锥体亚型. Loss of these cells occurs in human retinal diseases that result in blindness. 斑马鱼, 像人类一样, have a duplex retina containing both rods and cones, and the cones are arranged in a regular mosaic. We use the zebrafish embryo as a model system for probing the mechanisms that regulate the determination and differentiation of the different photoreceptor types.
  • 视网膜疾病模型.
    We have identified a zebrafish genotype (syu+/-) that is associated with age-related loss of cone photoreceptors, similar to the situation in human age-related macular degeneration. 我们的合作者,博士. Brian Link (Medical College of Wisconsin) has identified another genotype (bugeye) that displays increased intraocular pressure, a characteristic of many forms of human glaucoma, and shows many retinal abnormalities. In each model, we investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms that result in retinal pathology.
  • 视网膜再生.
    The mammalian retina responds to damage by launching a gliotic response, while the zebrafish retina launches a regenerative response. 有趣的是, the major glial cell type of the retina (Müller glia) is involved in mediating both responses. We evaluate the role of different damage modes in influencing the ultimate ‘success’ of the regenerative response, and we are probing the extent to which retinas experiencing pathology of a genetic basis can also regenerate.

  • 2011 fall: Visual System guest lecturer, Accelerated Biology course at 莫斯科 High School.
  • 2011 summer: Beyond Baccalaureate Panel, Annual INBRE conference.
  • 2010 fall: “A Bird’s Eye View: Adaptations of the Avian Visual System” Presentation for Semester at Sea (University of Virginia).
  • 2009 summer: “Neurogenesis” Interview for GoCognitive! 网络教学工具.
  • 2008年春天:“动物看到了什么??” Presentation for Palouse Discovery Science Center.




莫斯科,ID 83844-3051




网络: 生物科学系